Tea is good for you

It's no secret that tea is pleasant for you. But a lot of times, when folks are drinking tea, they don't realize that they could not be drinking "real" tea. Real tea merely comes in four types from the plant Camellia Sinensis: green tea, black tea, oolong, and white tea. If you're drinking something else, then you have an infusion. Below we'll discuss the different ways that real tea can change your life.

-Tea contains the antioxidant catechin which will help improve your muscle endurance. Because of this you will burn fat as fuel and can exercise for longer.

-Tea can help prevent against heart attack and other cardiovascular diseases.

-lots of studies have shown that tea can help fight against different types of cancer.

-Tea is a pleasant way to keep your body hydrated.

-Green tea is excellent at shielding the body from dangerous UV rays as a natural sunscreen.

-Research has shown that those who drink tea have a lower BMI than those who don't.

-Green tea is cool for diabetics because it helps the body process sugar better.

-Tea may be helpful in aiding the body in recovering from radiation.

--Greent tea is fabulous at improving overall bone strength and density.

-Degenerative brain diseases can be prevented and treated with tea. Polyphenols in green tea can aid in maintaining the parts of the brain that control learning and memory.

While all of this sounds fantastic and you could be ready to go out and buy as much tea as possible, here are some things that you should keep in mind.

--Hot beverages could increase a person's risk for esophageal cancer, so letting your tea groovy down before drinking is constantly a pleasant idea.

-A lot of these studies use non human test subjects so it is now and again uncertain whether or not the same benefits will be shown in humans.

-remember that all teas are very different. They are all processed and stored differently. These are all things that may change the benefits of tea.

But the evidence proves that drinking tea will just result in more excellent than bad. So reach for a nice cup of tea the next time you feel a craving for a warm beverage.